UK Election 2015 Astrology: Cameron, Miliband, Farage
Three Charts. Three Cardinal Fortunes.
UK Election 2015
Today's parliamentary elections in the UK will change a lot of things in Europe!
What a fascination. Three UK political figures all vying for a surge in power in 2015.
All were born in one of the Cardinal group of signs (ARIES, LIBRA, CANCER, CAPRICORN) so they inherently have traits in common
On the left is David Cameron the Libran
In the centre is Ed Miliband the Capricorn
On the right is Nigel Farrage the Aries
Capricorn is the classic political sign though its group associates Aries, Libra, Cancer can operate like Capricorns
Saturn is the classic political planet.
The chart wheel has a midheaven location [MC] which is imbued with noon-time solar force -so this location is capable of indicating the apex of a person's professional or publicly known life.
Cameron the Libran has Cancer at the MC position and the Moon in the career zone [10th]
His Saturn sits in the work-for-work's-sake position -the 6th house.
His Saturn is powerfuly activated by tight opposition to Uranus and Pluto -meaning a political drive bent on change, reform, tight controls and yes austerity.
To do this he has to clamp down on the empathy, compassion, sensitivity he perceives as horrid, mushy weaknesses: his Saturn is in Pisces conjunct Chiron*.
*The Chiron glyph is not shown but sits at 23 Pisces.
Miliband the Capricorn has the foremost political animal sign.
The Goat is prepared to climb slowly, but the mountain peak is always the goal.
He has Capricorn on the MC as well.
His 6th house of work activities has a lot of energy -including Jupiter in opposition to his Saturn -which sits in the unhelpful 12th house -a sleeper position, dormant, hibernating energy which is slow to waken -but is in range of the birth moment - 9 Taurus -and so is rising in strength.
Farage the Aries has a very virile energy, a fiery battler with very forceful energy, obsessed with reform
His Saturn is also in the work activity house and like Cameron it is in Pisces.
Saturn's position in early Pisces is in conflict with the public career axis denoted by the MC at 5 Gemini.
With the destiny-indicating nodes in Cancer-Capricorn Farage has to find the right balance between home & career - or how to be a very paternal and supportive figure in his political role.
What does 2015 offer them?
The standout energy impacting the UK General Election, still potent though past its final exact angle is the Uranus-Pluto square - by May they are in the territory of 18Aries-15Capricorn.
This planetary combo since 2012 has shaken global politics considerably and overturned the lives of many individuals in a "world upside-down" fashion, with both constructive and destructive revolutionary forces in effect, as detailed at length in various posts on this site.
A primary theme of Uranus-Pluto is the use and abuse of power in any context or channel of expression - whether brute or physical force, intellectual, economic, emotional, sexual, collective and so on - whether contemporary or historic - is on the table for our universal contemplation and deliberation.
Being strongly associated with the theme of power, national politics have been impacted majorly across the world in the period from 2012 and up to 2016.
By viewing the charts of the 3 Cardinals above it can be immediately seen that:
Miliband's MC at 16 Capricorn is set to experience a surge of power coincident with the May 2015 UK elections as Pluto is lingering at 15 degrees Capricorn at that time.
Due to retrograding from April 2015, Pluto will not be fully on his MC and into his public career zone until February 2016, so May 2015 is not the strongest timing, but better is on offer.
Being an Aries, Farage has had some big 1,000 megawatt, zaps from Uranus in 2013-2015, but there's nothing else more exciting on the horizon than slogging away.
He was born with the charismatic pairing of Uranus & Pluto affecting his literal prebirth & birth experiences [AC point] so he will resonate with the zeitgeist of Uranus-square-Pluto [2012-2016] which is actually about pulling back from power abuse, domination & control at all levels of social interaction.
But as we have witnessed, the worst excesses of this energy have arisen in the form of collective terrorist acts as well as in everyday dynamics.
Farage is essentially a reactionary who appeals to those of that persuasion.
Cameron has his career zone reflexly activated with Pluto in Capricorn in the opposing zone -the 4th.
Pluto at 15 Capricorn is in a high pressure position for him - his birth Sun position is 15 Libra.
This will be the fight of his life.
Extreme energies are placing him under great internal strain from March 2015 -and he will attract extreme opposing forces, aggravating instinctual drives due to threatening his sense of possession and control.
This is a primal battle for Cameron.
The forces are more against him while they are simultaneously more for Miliband
Very little has been considered here but sometimes it's worth a punt to get to the essence & see what the stars are indicating in any standout way.
I know next to nothing about UK politics and the personalities involved but we are living in unusual times of increasing global connectedness and the tides of change are very intriguing, even from afar. (From TAMZIN KAY's ASTROBLOG)
2015 Aries Ingress of the Sun and UK General Election
On 7th May 2015 the next United Kingdom general election is to be held to elect the 56th Parliament of the United Kingdom. The leader of the Conservatives, who are the larger party in the current coalition government, is David Cameron. At present, he is the UK’s Prime Minister. In the following, I will try to predict if Cameron and his party will be successful in the upcoming election and if he will be able to defend his position as Prime Minister.
The chart below shows the Sun’s Aries ingress for 2015:
The chart below shows the Sun’s Aries ingress for 2015:
With a fixed sign rising, this chart will be valid for the whole of 2015.
From the chart above, we can see that Mercury will be Lord of the Year. Being Lord of the 10th house, he is prominently positioned near the 4th house cusp. He is also debilitated by detriment and fall and square Saturn, the greater malefic. Main themes during this solar year will be matters concerning communal finances and business in general. The ingress chart shows that debilitated Mercury is squaring Saturn in the 1st house. This indicates more financial restrictions and continued economic hardship for most of the population. All of this doesn’t come as a surprise to anybody who followed the news during the last five years, but it doesn’t indicate in any way who the UK’s next Prime Minister will be. To find out about this, we have to look closely into techniques of traditional astrology. All of the passages quoted below were conceived and recorded long before concepts like ‘constitutional monarchy’ or ‘Prime Minister’ were invented. For this reason, we have to be flexible and think of the ‘king’ as the person in charge, rather than the monarch.
In the Aries ingress chart, the Sun is significator of the king, according to Bonatti, who says to look to
“… the Lord of the Year, and the Lord of the 10th, and to the Sun: and the one of them you find stronger, or less weak, or better disposed, or less bad, … make this the significator of the King.” (BA, p833)*
The Sun is exalted in Aries, which suggests (at least temporary) strength. We know that, traditionally, exaltation is compared to a king on his throne, and we have to remember that Lilly thought it to present “a person of haughty condition, assuming more to him than his due” (CA p102). But we also have to take into consideration that a solar eclipse was taking place only hours before the Aries ingress.
Seeing the election process as a ‘pilgrimage’ (another traditional concept we have to modernise), we can say that with the Sun located in the 4th house, according to Bonatti:
“… his journey will be horrible and fearful. And because it will be in the eights from his own house, it is feared concerning his death.”(BA, p867).
Knowing that Cameron’s position as Prime Minister is at stake, this statement doesn’t come as a surprise either. It has been widely stated in the media that the outcome of this election is one of the most unpredictable in recent history. Still, this observation alone is not enough to predict the outcome.
Another traditional astrologer whose work can be of help in our quest is Masha’allah. In his Revolutions of the Year of the World, he writes:
“… if the significator of the king was not in charge, … the enemy will be from the same clime, but the king will be weakened, and another will be led into his place.” (AoW, p110)**
What he means is that we have to look at the planet who is Lord of the Year and compare its strength to the planet representing the king. Mercury, who is Lord of the Year, is essentially debilitated by detriment and fall, as compared to the Sun, who is essentially dignified by exaltation. Therefore we can argue that the king will not be weakened and it is unlikely that anybody else (i.e. another ruler) will take over his position.
Another way of looking at this is via the accession chart. We know that David Cameron became Prime Minister on 11 May 2010. The Aries ingress chart for this year is shown below:
Reading with the astrologer al-Rijal, in The Book of the Skilled, we find:
“And if the Sun was separating from Jupiter and connected with Mars, [and] then connected with Saturn before he goes out of the sign in which he is, it indicates that a man of the people of the house of the acceder, or of his own rank will rise up against him and he will suffer grief from that – then he will be victorious over him.” (AoW, p449)
With this final judgment taken into consideration, it seems highly likely that David Cameron will continue to be the UK’s Prime Minister after the election in May 2015.
*Bonatti, Guido: Book of Astronomy (BA), translation B Dykes, Cazimi Press, 2007
** Dykes (trans): Astrology of the World II, Cazimi Press, 2014
By Peter Stockinger